Why do People Like Starbucks?

Yeah, it's rather unremarkable. Starbucks is everywhere. What is remarkable is how successful they are. They use sub-par coffee beans and price it as if they were brewing the good stuff. Instead of saying "we use cheap burnt South American robusta coffee beans" they say, "we use a wonderful, straightforward blend of Latin American coffees." What's a "straightforward blend" anyway?

If you are a coffee drinker/addict, a person of taste, and a frequenter of Starbucks, I want to know why. Is it because they are conveniently located or is it for the fact that a cup of Starbucks has replaced quality taste with up to 300% more caffeine?

I think they have no more special things about the coffee, but they have a quality (maybe) about how to sell standard things to be valuable things. Like attitude to sell, quality service and maybe a kind like this one.

If you think Starbucks has gone so far, please check this link: CLICK lol

Countries that have a Starbucks

inspired by: evan-tishuk
photos: wiki & michaelhutagalung.com